Fracture Care

What is Fracture Care?

Fracture care refers to the medical treatment provided to a broken bone, which primarily involves stabilizing the fractured area by realigning the bone fragments (if necessary) and immobilizing it using methods like casts, splints, or surgical fixation to allow proper healing and restore function to the affected limb; it also includes pain management and rehabilitation exercises once the bone has healed sufficiently. 
The initial management of fractures consists of realignment of the broken limb segment (if grossly deformed) and then immobilizing the fractured extremity in a splint. The distal neurologic and vascular status must be clinically assessed and documented before and after realignment and splinting.

Benefits of Fracture Care

Faster Healing

Accelerates healing and reduces downtime from injuries.

Personalized Care

Tailored treatment plans for athletes and active individuals.

Improved Mobility and Function

Enhances movement and flexibility.

Reduced Pain & Discomfort

Pain management techniques help improve patient comfort.

Types of Fracture Care

Simple (Closed) Fracture

Compound (Open) Fracture

Stress Fracture

Pathologic Fracture

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